
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Things I don't know how I lived without...

Warning, this is (mostly) a super materialistic post.

You know those products in your life that you just lovelovelove and you don't know how you survived before you discovered them? Here's a list of some of mine.
  1. Tervis Tumber. Seriously, I guzzle water out of this thing all day long at work. The big size, lid and straw are crucial.
  2. Chia seeds. This one took me a while because I thought they were super hippy dippy and I, for a long time, sought to avoid all things mildly hippy dippy. But these things changed my life. They thicken up dressings and overnight oats (see below) and make my stomach super happy.
  3. Overnight oats. For real, y'all. How did I live without these? Filling, super customizable, delicious and the perfect vehicle for previously mentioned chia seeds.
  4. La croix. Love this water!!
  5. My garmin. I feel naked on runs without it. And while I think it's a good idea to run without it occasionally, most of the time I like that it's a peer pressurer, taunting me to run faster.
  6. A sleep mask. How do you people without one sleep any later than 6 a.m.?
  7. Trader Joe's Vinas Chilenas Sauvignon Blanc. I honestly debated including this because I didn't want you all to know the best $3.99 secret out there and buy all the bottles before I get there, but I love y'all and want you to experience the happiness that is (decent) cheap wine.
  8. Morning devotionals/His word. When I stray from God or don't take time to reflect, praise, ask, and give thanks, I am a big ball of anxious. For me, it's simple. He=peace.
I'll make this an ongoing list as I'm sure I'll come across something else in five minutes "I absolutely cannot live without!" What are your must have things/products that you can't imagine your life without??

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