
Monday, August 29, 2011

Remembering Why I Love Carolina Football

With all that's happened to Carolina football during the past year, it's sometimes easy to get sucked into the drama. Between academic scandals, NCAA investigations and the firing of our head coach, the last year has been anything but uneventful. I know many fans that stuck by the team during the investigations, but have threatened to skip games because Butch Davis was fired.

Trust me, I get it. As a loyal Carolina fan and a true supporter of Butch Davis, I was shocked and appalled at Thorp and the Board's decision (not to mention the timing of the decision) to fire our beloved head coach. It would be easy to stay at home on game day in protest. But I'm asking you, for the sake of the players who practice in 100 degree heat and love their school, to reconsider. We need to remember why we love Carolina football.

I love Carolina football because since I was a kid, it afforded me a whole Saturday with wonderful family and friends. While things like what dress I was going to wear and what dish I was going to bring to the tailgate didn't mean as much then, the time with my family and friends has always been precious.

I love Carolina football because it gave me, the girly girl, a chance to connect with my dad about a sport he played for so much of his life.

I love Carolina football because when we won the Peach Bowl, I was allowed to yell "Go Heels!" in the hallways of the hotel way past my bedtime without getting in trouble.

I love Carolina football because when my younger brother was born I automatically knew the first present I would give him was a Carolina football jersey.

I love Carolina football because of players like Matt Merletti, who took the time to befriend my 9 year old brother and teach him the true meaning of "the Carolina Way" through his kindness.

I love Carolina football because of moments like the Music City Bowl, when I cried with relief after an incredible win for a great group of guys after a trying year.

I love Carolina football because of all the times I've gotten to high five players and yell "We love you TJ!!" and see the genuine appreciation and excitement on their faces.

I love Carolina football for players like Deunta Williams and how his huge smile always brightened my day when he declared, "I'm Deunta Williams and I am a Tar Heel."

I love Carolina football because of the feeling I get when singing the alma mater in Kenan after a big win.

Carolina football means more than scandals, investigations or even our head coach. Carolina football is about the young men on the football team who give their all day in and day out for our school. Carolina football is about the memories we create with friends and family as we head to Chapel Hill each game day. I hope you all will pack Kenan on Saturday and show the boys that Carolina means more. Cheer as loud as you can, hug your family and friends and wear your best football dress. :) See you Saturday in Kenan!

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