
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thorp Chose Davis

There has been a huge event that I haven't talked about on here for the simple fact that I'm in denial.

Butch Davis was fired.

Holden Thorp cited no new evidence, but simply said the whole investigation was causing too much damage to our reputation as an academic institution. Someone had to go down for it and as head of the football program, Thorp chose Davis. 

Thorp chose Davis when two days earlier, UNC confirmed its support of Davis as he met with the media to kickoff the season. Thorp chose Davis because of the damage the academic investigation has caused to UNC as an academic institution when Thorp is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Thorp chose Davis a week before football practice began and took away a coach that had given us more success in the past three years than we'd had in a decade. Thorp chose Davis a year after the investigation began and took away a father figure to almost 100 young, impressionable men. Thorp chose Davis because he thought any action, even a stupid action, was better than no action and took away the football coach that made me love the game more than the tailgates.

Thorp chose Davis because he's too proud to do what he should have done and chosen himself.

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