
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

40 Acts of Kindness

Happy Fat Tuesday, kiddos! Since today is Fat Tuesday, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Are you giving up anything for Lent?

Growing up, I never really practiced giving up anything. I'm Christian (Presbyterian), but most of the people I know who gave up things were Catholic. Is that typical or was it just a coincidence with people I know? My stepmom always gave up stuff when I was younger and Marcus has since I've known him (this year he's giving up carbs - color me NOT JEALOUS and probably not prepared for his jealousy as I eat my Goodberry's or mashed potatoes) and both are Catholic.

Instead of giving up something, I'm going to add something during Lent. For forty days, I will practice forty acts of kindness, one each day. These don't have to be life-changing acts, but just acts from the heart. Emily is going to get in on the action, too. Emily planned on doing this near Christmas and never got around to it, so she has a list with some ideas to get us started.

Join us if you want (or tell me what you're doing, if anything, for Lent) or leave us an idea for an act of kindness in the comments!


  1. loved this post Lindsay. Good luck to your team tonight. I gave you a shout out today :)

  2. Thank you so much, Gracie! Happy Ash Wednesday! (And I think my team will need all the help they can get!! :))
