
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Life is so so short.

A sweet friend's mom passed away today after a battle with early onset Alzheimers. My friend is 27. Her mom is in her 50s. Life can really suck.

But it's also really really beautiful. Over the past six or so years, I've seen my friend go through this. She's always been so full of strength and grace. I spent last week with her at the beach. She knew this time was coming and said she was at peace with it. She's going to miss her mom like crazy, but knows her pain is gone. I admire my friend so much. She never looked for pity, never made this about her and always focused on others, even when her own world was falling apart. I know I could NEVER come close to being as graceful, serving and loving as she has been.

Say a prayer for my friend and her family. Hug your loved ones.  Design the life you want to live and live it. Love the heck out of people who mean something to you.